Small Steps & Everyday Decisions

I am not a believer in clouds parting, final movie scene, wrap that problem up in a bow style big answers. In my experience, change comes from small steps and everyday decisions. And that is exactly what Sarah is so good at.... the little things that lead to a little bit more head space, a little bit of elbow room - for your dreams. If you, like me, think you have your shit figured out, think you know the problem inside and out, think you have all the too might be surprised at how much elbow room Sarah is able to make - with a tiny, simple question. If you are an entrepreneur (or hoping to become one) you know there are not enough resources out there to help us create space and time to zoom out - and look at our businesses in a whole, nourishing and integrated way. And that is a really important tool in business ownership - taking a step back - Sarah really helped in taking that step back. We hired Sarah for both a group presentation with our team and some one on one sessions - everyone left with something. Everyone felt like they gained insight and had a second for a clear view of the path in front of them. That's rare.

Daphne Dail | MudFire |

Sarah Price

Conscious Coach and Professional Point Guard — I’ve made my career as a project manager + translator at the intersection of creativity and technicality. I am most fulfilled when I’m helping people connect the dots and guiding them toward what they already, intuitively know.

Birthing This Idea Couldn’t Happen Alone


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